
Mounting options

You can decide to mount your blind inside or outside the window mullions and for both case, you can install the blind either on the wall or the ceiling.

Below, the inside, outside, wall and ceiling mounting options are presented in more details.

Different Mountings for different Situations

SEASHADE® can be mounted in several ways.


The blind is mounted inside the window mullion.


The blind is mounted outside the window mullion.


The blind is fixed on the wall against the ceiling or the window recess.

An installation on the wall can be considered for both inside and outside mounting.

Possibility to use offset brackets.


An installation on the ceiling can be considered for both inside and outside mounting.

You might consider this option if there is not enough space for the box of the blind between the glass top and the window opening.

*Option not available for the SLIM Blind Frame Model

Note: Inside mount on the wall and without bracket is the most common and recommended option.

Seashade's Blinds

Next Steps

Film Type

Select the type of film depending on your needs, the location and its specific requirements

Blind Frame

Select the frame of the blind depending on whether you like it to be easily removable or occupy little space

Blind Mechanism

Select the blind mechanism that you find the most practicle to handle

Frame Colour

Select the colour of your choice to match the design of the room


Select whether to mount the blind inside or outside the window mullion, on the wall or the ceiling


Seashade measurement instructions will make this step easy

Get a Quote

Fill in the form with the information from step 1 to 6, send it and you will receive a quote within 24h

Seashade Services

Made to Measure

Seashade retractable solar blinds are custom made and fit perfectly with the features of the window.

Project Counseling

You have a project, we can help you find the best solution. Our specialised team can advise and assist you from the beginning to the end of your project.

Technical assistance and global support

Our technicians are always available for advice to help you solve any doubt, problem or answer any of you question.

Inspection And assembly

An inspection by one of our technicians can be arranged to evaluate the best solutions and the right measurements. Moreover, a curtain assembly service is available from specialised operators.

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